Tip of FriendAdder in Preferences

Help /Twitter /Tips /Add Friends /

Adder omit friends (one per line)/Remover omit friends (one per line)

Use "Adder omit friends (one per line)" to omit friends who you don't want to add into your accounts when you are adding friends.

Use "Remover omit friends (one per line)" to omit friends who you don't want to remove from your accounts when you are removing friends.

For your best understanding, please do the following steps:

  1. In Tweet Following, click Twitter --> Preferences,

  2. A dialog box will come out like:

  3. Click the "+" sign in front of Twitter --> FriendAdder.

  4. Click the two Browse buttons to import the targeted text files, and then click OK.

  5. In addition,you must set up the two text files containing targeted friends first before importing them, for example:

  6. Results of Adder omit friends & Remover omit friends
    1. Adder omit friends.

    2. Remover omit friends.