Tip2 of FriendAdder in Preferences

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"Add omit friends who were added in any one of your accounts"

Follow the under steps to find this option:

Open "Twitter" Menu --> click "Preferences --> Twitter -->FriendAdder

Disable this option, it will add the same friends to your different accounts. Check this option, it will omit the friends who have been added in any one of your accounts and add different friends to your accounts

Set two situations for your best understanding

  1. Disable option --> Add omit friends who were added in any one of your accounts,

    1. Go to Manage Accounts dialog box, import a group of accounts

    2. these are all totally new accounts

    3. Back to Add Friends feature, match the following parameters

    4. Click "Ok" button to add twitter friends for the three accounts

    5. See the running status in the right console

    6. The program has added many same friends to all accounts.

  2. Check option --> Add omit friends who were added in any one of your accounts

    1. Back to Add Friends Feature, match the following parameters

    2. Click "Ok" button to add friends for these accounts

    3. See the running status in the right console